Sallie Means, AIA, ALEP
Sallie’s clients say…
“As we get ready for Thanksgiving, I wanted you to know how much I appreciate how your work has transformed the College of Law. We will never be the same. Thank you!!.”
– – Dean Julie Hill, College of Law, University of Wyoming
“As we look back at the magnitude and scope of this project, I am still amazed at the outcome. We literally have a new school, and it was done while we continued to hold classes. . . . . The finished project was created with an instruction design that support the educational mission, vision, and values of or school and district. We are grateful . . . .”
– Principal Mathew Strannigan “Central High School, Laramie County School District One
“Nearly everyone experienced the completed project has been amazed with the changes and is delighted with the results. The University community will be enriched by the success of the Wyoming Union Renovation & Additions.”
– Roger Baalman, Retired Director of Facilities Planning, University of Wyoming
University of Wyoming Enzi STEM Facility – end user & client comments:
“The Enzi STEM building gives aspiring scientist at the UW a fantastic first impression of what working in a research laboratory can be like.” – UW Student Jacob Williams, Junior in Chemistry, Mathematics and Statistics.
“Students actually go to the Enzi building just to study. That never happened with our old teaching facilities.” Dr. Daniel Dale, Professor of Physics & Astronomy
“Everybody wants to be here. You can try almost everything in here.” Larry Blake, Campus Architect
Architect, Educational Facility Planner
Educational Facility Planner / Architect
Sallie specializes in education architecture and construction. Sallie brings a wealth of experience and insight to creatively resolving facility needs through architectural solutions. With strong communication skills, she works with numerous stakeholders or constituencies with varied opinions to resolve positive direction for the project team.
Through Sallie’s 35+ years’ experience working with school clients, she has developed proven approaches for evaluating facility needs and developing strategies to accommodate them – for both new and renovated facilities. Her skill at comparing and contrasting opportunities for new versus existing facilities brings great value to our planning efforts. In addition, her proficiency helping districts use major maintenance funding to improve educational environments will be invaluable in the development of actionable educational specifications.
The intricacies of planning phased construction for occupied school facilities is one of Sallie’s strong suits. While project phasing is rarely directly included in the early educational planning for a project, her expertise in project phasing can assist clients with implementation strategies.
With expertise in managing and facilitating multiple demands of complex scopes of work, Sallie ensure your educational specifications are actionable and buildable in recognizing various requirements, particularly regarding the nuances of school construction. Her experience orchestrating complex and multi-faceted inputs and parameters for educational facilities contributes to Sallie’s legacy of successful built projects founded on strong educational facility planning.