Student Capacity Analysis
Estimating student capacity is rapidly transitioning from being a simple mathematical calculation to being more complex and subjective to accommodate the widening range of educational models, grade configurations, demographics, student needs, programs, partnerships, and technologies – to name a few.
Why Capacity Study?
- to make informed decisions regarding the efficacy of current facilities to adequately serve their current and projected student enrollments
- align space use with educational goals
- increase efficiency of space usage
- identify unmet space needs
- ensure system-wide consistency
- inform future actions
Our Approach
Understanding the current student capacity of a school or a collection of schools can be instrumental in planning for the future. Our approach recognizes the nuances of your educational vision and your community needs in addition to available space for teaching and learning. Integrating key elements such as special programs and activities, schedules and use of time, community partnerships, funding parameters, and even employment contracts to ensure your capacity analyses are accurate and all data are defendable.
Our Expertise
BrainSpaces developed the methodology for calculating school capacity that is widely referenced and used throughout the country. Let us help you understand your school capacities to help inform your decisions regarding facilities, funding, staffing, attendance boundaries, etc.