Amy Yurko, AIA

Amy is both a licensed architect and educator who applies brain-based strategies to the design of learning environments. Founder of BrainSpaces and internationally recognized planning expert, and Amy brings over 30 years of experience combined with fresh ideas and insights to every project.

More about Amy

Sallie Means, AIA, ALEP

After nearly 30 years owning and operating a full-service architectural firm and completing multiple project types including pK-12 and higher education, Sallie achieved ALEP certification.  She brings her wealth of experience in architecture to ensure school planning ideas are actionable and buildable.

More about Sallie

Janell Weihs, ALEP

Janell’s career began as a high school English teacher, driven by a passion for creating positive educational experiences for her students. After nearly a decade in the classroom, she transitioned to developing curriculum, programs, and educational tools.  Janell continues to inspire learners through the power of linking education with learning environments.

More about Janell

Our Extended Resources

Each client is unique, and projects may require additional related services. Our team includes additional experts who can step in as needed to help solve all your project needs.