How do we maintain social distance in a facility that has crowded or fixed seating? “Leave Space” signs will serve as reminders for occupants to leave open seating between them to maintain a safe distance from each other. With a variety of color options, these signs will be visible on a multitude of upholstery colors …
Our floor decals are designed to work in concert with wall signage to help students understand how to keep eachother safe. Why have signage that only does one thing?
How does hand-washing keep us safe? Our wall posters and reminder stickers are designed to help students understand how soap and water remove dirt and germs from our hands so that we can help keep ourselves and others safe from illness. Why have signage that only does one thing?
Stop the Spread, Wear a Mask
Where are the germs! Washing hands is not just about putting soap and water ON your hands. Is actually about washing dirt and germs OFF your hands. Our handwashing reminders illustrate germs going down the drain as a fun way to help students learn WHY handwashing is important. With options for teaching about the time …
How far is six feet anyway? Our wall posters are designed to work in concert with floor decals as a fun way to help students learn social distancing. Learning about animals, scale, distance, direction, footprints, color, contrast, conservation, and more is also possible with these child-friendly signs for your younger students. Why have signage that …
How far is six feet anyway? Our wall posters are designed to work in concert with floor decals as a fun way to help students learn social distancing. Learning about animals, scale, distance, direction, footprints, color, contrast, conservation, and more is also possible with these child-friendly signs for your younger students. Why have signage that …
Our floor decals are designed as a fun way to help students learn social distancing. Learning about animals, scale, distance, direction, footprints, color, contrast, conservation, and more is also possible with these child-friendly signs for your younger students. Why have signage that only does one thing?
Teach math and numbers while helping students maintain physical distance in the classroom! Use these stickers on tables, chairs, or even on the floor. With both numbers and colors, the possibilities for organizing your classroom are nearly endless. In addition, here are a few ideas for using these stickers as teaching tools: counting even and …